Why Not Wander?

Welcome to the Work Camping with Why Not Wander? Podcast

Do you dream about becoming a full-time RVer but feel like it isn’t possible until retirement? Work camping has provided us with the opportunity to live our full-time RV life dreams YEARS sooner than we ever imagined possible! We’ll be discussing all things work camping and full-time RV life on this podcast and talking with fellow work campers, employers and other experts to give you the FULL picture of what the work camping lifestyle looks like!

If you prefer to listen to the podcast, you can either find us by searching “Work Camping with Why Not Wander?” on your favorite podcast platform, OR here are some of the most-listened to platforms:

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/work-camping-with-why-not-wander/id1738775735

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7jyCeKYOZxguyYpZnj2hKM

Amazon Music:



Andy and Sheri just finished their FIRST season of work camping, and they’re here to share their experiences as new work campers! Thanks so much for watching! -Matt & Laurie

Follow Andy and Sheri’s adventures here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092639208108

Get 3 Secrets to Becoming a Full-Time RVer here: https://whynotwander.com/

We’re back with another work camping Q&A podcast episode! We’re answering 5 of YOUR work camping questions each episode so keep sending us your questions and we’ll keep answering them! Thanks so much for watching! -Matt & Laurie


24 Websites You Can Use to Find Work Camping Jobs: https://whynotwander.com/jobs/

Get 3 Secrets to Becoming a Full-Time RVer ASAP: https://whynotwander.com

The Indeed + LinkedIn of work camping/seasonal work??? Meet Dylan, founder of Vagajobs ( https://vagajobs.com/ ), an amazing website that makes it SO EASY for you to find seasonal work as a full-time traveler! Dylan is also a seasonal worker who is passionate about helping others live their full-time travel dreams! We love his story and can’t wait for you to hear what he shares in this podcast! 

WORK CAMPING/SEASONAL WORK EMPLOYERS!!!! With every Vagajobs subscription, you can post an UNLIMITED amount of job ads, and Dylan created a special code so you can receive 50% off your Vagajobs subscription! Go here: https://vagajobs.com/ and use code “whynotwander” to get 50% off!

Follow Vagajobs!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vagajobs/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VagaJobs/

Follow Dylan!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dylventures/

Dave and Carrie have been living in their van for over 6 years and have a UNIQUE, short-term, high-paying work camping opportunity to share on this week’s Work Camping with Why Not Wander? podcast! Thanks so much for watching! -Matt & Laurie

One AdVANture At A Time:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@oneadVANtureatatime

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one.advanture.at.a.time/

We get SO many questions about work camping so we’re going to answer them in our Q&A podcast episodes! We will answer 5 of your work camping questions each episode so if you have any that we haven’t covered, you are welcome to send them to us for a future episode! Thanks so much for watching! -Matt & Laurie


24 Websites You Can Use to Find Work Camping Jobs: https://whynotwander.com/jobs/

Work Camping Resume Tips: https://whynotwander.com/resume/

Get 3 Secrets to Becoming a Full-Time RVer ASAP: https://whynotwander.com

This week a work camping employer shares his honest thoughts about work camping from the employer point of view. Don owns Silver Lake Resort & Campground in Silver Lake, Michigan, and it is a most beautiful place to visit! Join us to hear answers to questions like, “What are deal breakers when hiring work campers?” and “What is your least favorite thing about work campers?” You don’t want to miss this one! Thanks so much for watching! -Matt & Laurie

Reserve Your Spot at Silver Lake Resort & Campground here: https://silverlakerc.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/silverlakerc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/silverlakerc/

Welcome to the first episode of our NEW podcast, Work Camping with Why Not Wander?! Our first guests have done it all when it comes to work camping! JW and Cory of JW and Cory Adventures have SO MUCH to share! Join us to hear about the unique work camping jobs they have done (you’ll get so many great ideas!) as well as answers to questions like, “What has your least favorite work camping job been?” and “What has been the most challenging thing you’ve faced as a work camper?” plus so much more! Thanks so much for watching! -Matt & Laurie

How to find JW and Cory:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwandcoryadventures/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JWandCoryAdventures

Website: https://jwandcoryadventures.com/

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